Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Mega Brands

I’ve been wracking my brain trying to figure out what to buy for the little kids back at home. Now, thanks to my mother, they pretty much have everything that they could ever want, but I like to believe that there are a few things that she hasn’t bought for them, yet! I was browsing the Mega Brands website earlier and I found a lot of different disney figurines and since the children love practically anything Disney, I am sure that I could get them one of those. In particular, I found this very cute and cool looking Mickey Mouse Club House Set that would be perfect for Junior because he absolutely loves Mickey Mouse Club House, that has been his favorite show since he was two or so, I think. I also found a few “Little Mermaid” products that I know my roommate would love to have since ‘The Little Mermaid” is her favorite movie ever and her room is accordingly decorated. I think that I could spend hours on the Mega Brands website just because they have so much cool stuff, and it is not just Disney stuff, they have all sorts of other brands and items as well. I encourage you to take a peek if there are children in your life, but be warned, you might end up spending a lot longer on the sight than just a peep! It’s too cool.


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