Sunday, November 23, 2008

Changes are Coming?

Okay, so you all probably know how much I love to browse youtube and the other day, I came across the above video, and frankly, I have no idea what to make of it! It is a trailer for a movie called Changes are Coming. A short synopsis of “Changes are Coming” is that it is a satirical movie dealing with the final change that the United States of America will see. Apparently, we all go back to the days of Ancient Rome and a wild circus ensues. The movie also boasts that not even the return of Jesus Christ can save humanity at that point. The writer/director/producer spent about 40 years making this movie and the movie also boasts of quite a few well-knowns in the cast such as William Shanter and Casey Kasem.
Yet, even with all of that information about the movie, I really don’t know what to think of it. When I watched the trailer for “Changes are Coming”, I got pretty confused as to what the message behind the movie is supposed to be. So, all that I can tell you folks is that whatever the message is, and if any of you can figure it out, let me know, that the movie will be interesting. Check it out if you dare!


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