Friday, January 2, 2009

Changes to my blog

If you've been a regular visitor to my blog, then you will have noticed that a few things have been changed or updated since last night. In fact, there have been three major changes. I'll list them out so that it is easier to read.

1. Firstly, I got rid of the the little "B" icon that appeared in the browser and browser window whenever my blog was loaded. That little picture is actually called a favicon and I've replaced it when a new photo that I like better. Now, I didn't know how to do this at all, but Brett from The LiveWriterz was kind enough to explain it to me. If you follow the link, you can read how the instructions on how to change it for yourself. It isn't very hard and if you go to the website that he mentions, you can upload any image there to get it to be the right size for your own custom favicon. My new favicon is just a photo that I took some time ago but I like it so I used it.

2. Secondly, I've changed my template. I got tired of my other template, so I thought that it was time for an update of sorts. I found a great template place called Simply Fabulous Blogger Templates and I quite agree with the title. That site has so many that I like, but I will try to keep the template changes to a minimum because I don't want to change it too much and confuse everybody!

3. Thirdly, I've made my entrecard widget bigger and changed the text for the widget to "Entrecard". I did this because I know that sometimes when I go to other blogs, I can have a hard time finding the widget which is annoying. This way, it is easier to see and hopefully easier for everyone to find since it is now at the top of the blog.

4. Fourthly and finally, I've disabled the navbar on the top of my blog. I never ever liked having it there and it is not an option to not have it, so I found some code on the internet on how to get rid of it. There seems to be some debate as to whehter or not this is against the terms of service for blogger, but after reading the TOS again and doing a search for 'navbar' nothing popped up so I don't think that it is actually agaisnt the TOS. If you a do search and find it somewhere let me know, because I honestly couldn't.


Anonymous said...

It looks good! Good work!

markfe said...

Hi! Your blog layout is also great.

Want to inform you that you are in my top 10 EC droppers for the month of December 2008. Thank you! I just made a post and a link in my blog.

Mystery Man said...

the new look is going to have to take some time to get used to an all, but i like it! hope you're haqving a happy new year!

Duni said...

Your new template looks fabulous! Love the header too!

Have a great new year!

Dori said...

I love your new look here and Happy New Year! :)

Anonymous said...

Very nice, I love your header picture. I too wanted you to know you are in my top Entrecard dropper list for December!

Courtney said...

Thanks guys, I like it too!

Unknown said...

this is my first visit to your blog through EC. I do like the layout. I tried changing my favicon, but I coulnd't.. maybe these tips will help. I will also check out the blogger site I am tired of my layout

Anonymous said...

Love the new image and the layout of the site in general. :)

You've done a great job!

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