Saturday, November 29, 2008

It was really rather warm outside today for the end of November. I don't know when it is though that I will get used to this random wether changes that this area of California has to offer. I have decided though that it feels colder here than what I am used to because it far less humid here so the cold is more penetrating and more bone-chilling. The best items to have in weather like this, in my opinion, are warm clothes, including sweaters and pants, along with a good supply of gloves or mittens and socks. I do really need to get more of those, especially the socks part, because my feet seem to get so cold here! I could also use a pair of slippers, but I don't know when I am going to get around to buying those, because generally when I am at a store that sells these items, I forget that I even want to buy them. I guess I'll have to make it point ot either remember or to go look online!


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