Sunday, July 27, 2008

So smart!

Rosie is such a smarty pants! I was over at her house playing with her, mainly pushing her on her swing when I decided that I would like to swing as well. (She has this huge swing set)  Only Rosie can't really swing by herself, she knows how and all but her legs are so little that she can't pump hard enough to get any good momentum going.  So, Rosie said she knew exactly what to do so that we go swing, and she did! She ran off, got a bungee cord and hooked the swings together.  I didn't think that it would actually work because I thought it would make her swing go all wonky when I set off, but it didn't! It was exactly the right size and we both got to swing! Isn't that amazingly smart for a four-year-old!?!?  I asked her parents and they say they did not teach her that, so she must just be brilliant! 


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